This basket and crock came into the shop where I work and immediately I knew they were coming home with me. One of the advantages of working at Country Comes To Town is that we usually get dibs on things our many vendors bring in for consignment. That's how I came to have the throw in the basket. Today is my day off and I was planning a perfectly lazy day but it never seems to go that way. After dropping Ashton off at school I headed back home to feed the dogs then headed out to pick up a list of sewing items she needs for drama class. I know, right, sewing in drama? So of course I had to make a GW stop, nothing there. I then stopped at Hope Harbor and found a few things there. Not sure what I'm gonna do with some of it but I thought the basket would look great with some geraniums or spring flowers and maybe a prim label for the jar. The little plaque was kinda a funny find. When I saw it laying on the shelf I thought it looked like the kind we once sold in our store and when I flipped it over, sure enough, the price was in my hand writing. Small world, huh? Then I was off to Aldi and Walmart for a bit of grocery shopping and since I was so close, I just had to go by Prim and Proper to see what was new. Wow! The shop is looking awesome! There's a red prim pie safe that I'm still drooling over. Ahhh, what I wouldn't give. I behaved myself though, I put a punched tin light and a large wall basket that I plan to do an arrangement in for my front door on layaway and came home with this prim gathering basket to sit on the bottom shelf of my coffee table to hold magazines. The candle hugger I ordered from Karen at KM Primitives was waiting in the mailbox for me. I love it and can't wait to order a penny runner next. I already have one picked out. Thanks so much Karen, I love it!

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