Can you believe I finally finished my Blackbird Design x-stitch?? I must say it went much faster once I bought reading glasses. I've also been working on a couple freebies from the primitive betty blog, a spring freebie from primitive stitchin and I'm almost finished with the Spring Thyme stitchery from Jen (taylors farmhouse attic). Plus I've purchased so many patterns on line that I think I'm gonna be busy for quite some time. I had a visitor from the lake while I was painting the frame for my x-stitch. He was about 3 foot away from me before I realized I had company. I think he was hoping for a snack, my husband feeds him left over cinnamon rolls. I've also been busy visiting the local thrift shops. I got all these items on three different trips. Some things I will keep for myself, like the dishes, the picture (which I've repainted but haven't hung) definately the wood bowl and little baskets. Everything else will probably go to Country Comes To Town on consignment. And can you believe I got all of it for $20.00? Not bad huh? The little cabinet was a previous ts find for $2.99 that I painted black and the little pottery pieces followed me home from work. Linda and Melissa found them on one of their shopping trips for the store and I just had to have them. They were perfect for my cabinet. And FINALLY, I bought myself a new sewing machine. Nothing fancy, just something basic. A couple years ago, in a moment of temporary insanity, I got rid of my singer as well as lot of craft supplies thinking I would never use them again. Can you believe that? Never craft or sew again? Really? Thankfully I saw the light and came back to my sences and have jumped head first back into all my favorite hobbies.
Well that's about all for now, the kids are on spring break this week, so Ashton and I are off to Kohl's, the mall, dropping off movies and picking up one of her friends for a sleep over.
Till next time,